StentBoost is a simple, quick, and cost-effective tool to enhance stent visualization in the coronary arteries. With the StentBoost Subtract feature, you can see the stent in relation to the vessel wall as you are working.
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ContinueStentBoost enhances stent visualization.
StentBoost enhances stent visualization.
StentBoost enhances stent visualization.
StentBoost enhances stent visualization.
Non-invasive tool is fast and efficient
Non-invasive tool is fast and efficient
Non-invasive tool is fast and efficient
Non-invasive tool is fast and efficient
StentBoost Vascular enhances stents in larger vasculature
StentBoost Vascular enhances stents in larger vasculature
StentBoost Vascular enhances stents in larger vasculature
StentBoost Vascular enhances stents in larger vasculature
StentBoost Subtract* supports precise positioning
StentBoost Subtract* supports precise positioning
StentBoost Subtract* supports precise positioning
StentBoost Subtract* supports precise positioning
StentBoost enhances stent visualization.
StentBoost enhances stent visualization.
StentBoost enhances stent visualization.
StentBoost enhances stent visualization.
Non-invasive tool is fast and efficient
Non-invasive tool is fast and efficient
Non-invasive tool is fast and efficient
Non-invasive tool is fast and efficient
StentBoost Vascular enhances stents in larger vasculature
StentBoost Vascular enhances stents in larger vasculature
StentBoost Vascular enhances stents in larger vasculature
StentBoost Vascular enhances stents in larger vasculature
StentBoost Subtract* supports precise positioning
StentBoost Subtract* supports precise positioning
StentBoost Subtract* supports precise positioning
StentBoost Subtract* supports precise positioning
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EchoNavigator automatically fuses live 3D TEE and live X-ray in real time. The solution assists heart teams with intuitive image guidance during procedures where both real-time X-ray and echo imaging are used and fused together.
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This X-ray acquisition technique generates a complete high-resolution 3D visualization of cerebral, cardiac, abdominal or peripheral vasculature from a single rotational angiography run – all controlled via the touch screen at the table. This can improve visibility of tortuous or complex anatomy that may not be seen on a 2D or DSA image.
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AlluraClarity with ClarityIQ technology provides high quality imaging for a comprehensive range of clinical procedures, achieving excellent visibility at low X-ray dose levels for patients of all sizes. 18 clinical studies on 3840 patients have been published on the AlluraClarity to date, revealing one truth: there is significantly lower dose across clinical areas, patients and operators.ᵃ
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