Nuclear Medicine - PET
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Recycling passports
Nuclear Medicine - PET

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Please find herewith the recycling passports for Nuclear Medicine PET products.

Gemini GXL Gantry

Gemini GXL (PET) 4535 679 756814535 679 756914535 679 71891

Gemini Patient Couch and GSU and Inbore Lifter

Gemini Patient Couch and GSU and Inbore Lifter 4535 679 008814535 679 589514535 679 87121

Gemini TF

Gemini TF 4535 679 83931

Gemini TF Big Bore PET Gantry

Gemini TF Big Bore PET Gantry 4535-674-79851 to 9

Gemini TF Big Bore Patient Table (Sirius), GSU, & Catchers

Gemini TF Big Bore Patient Table (Sirius), GSU, & Catchers 4535-674-9178x4535-674-7876x4535-674-9128x4535-674-9173x4535-674-9174x

Gemini TF Big Bore CIRS Cabinet

Gemini TF Big Bore CIRS Cabinet 4535-675-30901 to 9

Gemini TF Big Bore PRS Cabinet

Gemini TF Big Bore PRS Cabinet 4535-675-28471 to 9

Gemini TF Big Bore PET/CT Host Cabinet

Gemini TF Big Bore PET/CT Host Cabinet 4535-675-25221 to 9

Gemini Dual and 16 Power PET Gantry

Gemini Dual and 16 Power PET Gantry 4535 679 008914535 679 58961


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