Nyhetscenter | Sverige

apr 19, 2018

Philips leads healthcare digitalization

To navigate profound transformation, it is a good idea to partner with someone who has done it before.

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Philips has seen quite a few fundamental shifts in the world since they were founded in 1891. “Digital health represents the latest such shift,” explains Mikko Vasama, Philips’ Managing Director in Finland. “Relatively new solutions such as the cloud and enhanced computing power are allowing the transfer, processing and analysis of healthcare data safer and cheaper than ever.” Yet the change isn’t simply technology. Our society is also evolving. “Health systems need to increase access and improve results, while simultaneously reducing costs,” Vasama says. “Also, our population is aging and we have more chronic conditions, which means we need to look at innovative ideas, such as taking healthcare services into the home.” He also points to a great opportunity: people are more engaged with their health and can take advantage of new methods of prevention. “Philips’ philosophy is that healthcare needs to be transformed in order to meet the needs of future generations,” says Vasama. “The world needs sustainable healthcare systems.”

Mikko Vasama, Managing Director, Philips Finland

Holistic Approach

“We can achieve sustainable systems with integrated healthcare solutions driven by digital technology,” Vasama continues. “We take a holistic approach.” Philips believes they can address many of the challenges the healthcare sector is facing by transforming healthcare from its current focus on diagnosis and treatment to an integrated approach across the entirety of health and wellbeing. “This covers the range of patient needs from living healthily, to being diagnosed and treated for an illness, to recovery,” Vasama explains. “It is at the meeting of personal wellness and professional healthcare.”

The world needs sustainable healthcare systems.

Mikko Vasama

Managing Director, Philips Finland

Health Continuum

Creating a New Ecosystem

Vasama says Philips is uniquely positioned to be a leader in digital health: vast amounts of data from Philips devices are used to help healthcare providers connect with their patients, manage their conditions and give patients control. “Philips has developed secure cloud solutions, such as the HealthSuite Digital Platform,” he says. “With proper consent, we can use the existing data from our devices and greatly increase the benefit to patients, caregivers and health authorities. We do this by allowing developers and manufacturers to collect and analyse data as well as connect with patients. “Empowering patients in their own care is a critical part of the next generation of healthcare. At Philips we encourage the development of an ecosystem with open applications that span all of health and wellbeing, and which focus on patient-caregiver relationships to help enhance clinical decision-making.

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Lina Faye

Lina Faye

Head of Communications

Tel: +46 708 322137

David J. Cord


Business Class Magazine

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